Home / Courses / Medical Courses / RESQUE TRAUMA AND CASUALTY CARE (RTACC)





The RTACC course is aimed at front-line emergency services personnel and emergency forst-responders who may have to deal with life-threatening emergencies (e.g. firefighters, police officers, coastguard and mountain rescue teams) as well as those from other industries such as construction or security. Delivered over three-days (or compressed to two-days for those who already hold a BTACC or similar certification) the course trains candidates in the concepts of simple and easily achievable life-saving interventions which can be performed at the scene of any incident.

The three-day course covers all of the intermediate level syllabus incuded in BTACC with the addition of specialist content appropriate to the needs of the candidate group. It adds seamlessly onto the BTACC algorithm which allows the responder to rapidly identify time-critical injuries and to manage them until professional medical help is available. Designed for both clinicians and non-medically trained people, the techniques that candidates learn are the most up to date and have already saved lives, most notably in the construction industry, fire & rescue and police services and in combat situations.

In addition to the general trauma skills covered, the RTACC course provides training in highly specialised and situation specific skills. Many of these provide detailed knowledge and are tailored to the particular needs of candidates; e.g. management of crush syndrome for USAR specialists, suspension trauma for construction workers, burns/thermal injury and smoke inhalation for firefighters, penetrating trauma for police officers or blast and ballistic injuries for armed police, military or close protection medics.

Because the RTACC course is based around a modular framework of core topics and specialist knowledge/skills it is possible to conduct an RTACC course that fully meets the requirements of any organisation by selecting the most appropriate combination of core content and specialised modules.

The faculty includes doctors, paramedics, nurses, advanced medics, firefighters and those with specialist knowldge relevant to the course. All of the faculty have extensive experience in pre-hospital trauma care and many also hold advanced level instructor qualifications including ATACC, ATLS, ALS, APLS/EPLS, etc.

This course brings intermediate level life support and advanced trauma skills to both medics and non-medics who are likely to find themselves on the front-line in trauma situations.