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TROP T sensitive test

TROP T sensitive test



TROP T sensitive test from Roche The Roche Trop-T-Sensitive Test is used for rapid diagnosis of heart attacks. For this purpose, the qualitative immunological rapid testmeasures the value of a heart muscle-specific biochemical marker that is released during myocardial necrosis. Results can be read on the Troponin test strip after only 15 - 20 minutes. The Trop-T rapid test also indicates non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) – even if the characteristic ECG changes are absent. Thus, it enables a faster therapy decision and helps to help patients as soon as possible.

Important note: For healthcare professionals only. 
The test may only be performed and interpreted by a physician or a person authorized by a physician. Medical laypersons may use and interpret the test incorrectly.

Product details Handy test strip for specific cardiac marker Qualitative detection of Troponin in anticoagulated (EDTA or heparin) venous whole blood Rapid support in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction Response time: 15 - 20 minutes Positive result from a threshold value (cut-off) of more than 0.1 ng/ml Easy to use and read The test can be used immediately after removal from the refrigerator Can be used anywhere: no need for additional equipment Sample shelf life: 8 hours at room temperature, do not refrigerate or freeze sample Storage: 2 - 8 °C at 15 - 25 °C the unopened pouch is stable for max. 4 weeks Available in different pack sizes 5 tests with 5 Roche CARDIAC Pipettes disposable dosing syringes 10 tests without disposable dosing syringes (additional material required: Roche CARDIAC Pipettes, 150 μL) Simple troponin test implementation for rapid diagnosis The troponin test is used to detect troponin in anticoagulated (EDTA or heparin) venous whole blood. For this purpose, the test contains a gold-labeled and a biotinylated monoclonal antibody specific for cardiac troponin T. These antibodies form with the troponin T in the blood. These form a sandwich complex with the troponin T: the erythrocytes separate and the plasma flows through the detection zone of the test. If the concentration of Troponin T exceeds 0.1 ng/ml, the detection line turns red after about 15-20 minutes and the result is positive. Subsequently, excess gold-labeled antibodies bind and stain the control line confirming the proper function of the test. If only the control line is stained after the end of the waiting period, the test is negative. Due to thesimple application and the clear presentation of the test results, the rapid test can also be used without special training of the personnel. The handy test strip can be used anywhere and no additional equipment is required.

Delivery contents 10 sets Roche TROP T sensitive tests, each consisting of: 1 Roche TROP T sensitive Test 1 documentation label 1 hygienic protection label 1 test performance label Return policy This item is not eligible for returns.

For consumers, the right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts for the delivery of sealed goods that are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene if their seal has been removed after delivery.